The Unconscious Mind

Principle and Theories underpinning Sandra’s work

“Until you make the unconscious, conscious it will direct your life and you will call it fate” - Carl Jung

Why the emphasis on the unconscious mind?

The unconscious mind is efficient at processing vast amounts of information with conscious awareness. It filters and organises sensory input, stores memories and connects experiences, outside of our conscious awareness. Many of our emotions and reactions are influenced by the unconscious mind, it stores deep-seated emotions and memories which can impact our current emotional state and responses to stimuli.

Habits, both good and bad, often originate in the unconscious mind. Repetitive behaviours become automatic as they are reinforced over time. This allows the unconscious mind to take over with no conscious effort. The unconscious mind plays an important role in creative thinking and problem solving. It can make connections between seemingly unrelated ideas and generate innovative ideas, which may later emerge into consciousness.

Our beliefs and values are often shaped by unconscious influences, including early childhood experiences, cultural conditioning and socialisation. These unconscious beliefs can profoundly impact how we see and respond to the “world around us” and how we make decisions.

The unconscious mind employs defense mechanisms to protect us from “psychological harm” such as denial and projection. These mechanisms operate automatically, often outside of conscious awareness.

Intuition, often referred to as a “gut feeling” is believed to arise from unconscious processing. It can provide valuable insights and guidance, even when we cannot consciously explain our reasoning.

Understanding and harnessing the power of the unconscious mind leads to personal growth, improved decision-making, co-creating healthy relationships and enhanced well-being.

Insightful Journey

Understand and harness the power of your unconscious mind.